
Getting The Most Out Of Your Coaching Assessments


Assessments are crucial in the coaching process as they provide a comprehensive understanding of an individual’s strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. By utilizing various assessment tools, coaches can gather valuable insights into their clients’ personalities, skills, and behaviors. However, assessments are only the first step in the process of critical feedback and leaders need to step forward and engage with the feedback providers to achieve transformational change. The forward enagement with colleagues help leaders understand more deeply how they can improve and be more impactful to the team around them.

Coaching Assessments

Assessments help in identifying the gaps between where the client currently is and where they aspire to be. These evaluations provide a baseline measurement, allowing both the coach and the client to track progress over time. With a clear picture of the client’s current state, coaches can design targeted interventions and strategies to facilitate growth and development.  In addition, assessments provide self-awareness and reflection that allows clients to be more proactive with their development journey. There are additional steps that are necessary in order to get the most out of the assessment procedure.

What Coaching Assessments Are Missing

What assessments cannot guarantee is how the client will use the data they receive from the report. While a skilled coach can help interpret the data, it is ultimately up to the client to actively use this information to drive their development. I often recommend that clients reach out to those who provided feedback and schedule a meeting to discuss the insights gained from the assessment. During these meetings, clients should share their most important lessons from the data and ask the feedback providers if they are willing to hold them accountable on their development journey. Focusing on a few key topics relevant to the feedback provider, clients can seek suggestions on how to improve. Sustainable leadership development requires vulnerability and accountability to thrive.

Getting The Most Out Of Assments

Getting the most out of ssessments is a crucial part of the coaching journey, providing essential data at a specific moment in time. This information helps identify characteristics, behaviors, and growth areas that are vital for the client’s development. However, it is important for the coach to encourage the client to take the next step by engaging with the feedback providers to gain critical support for their intentions. Regular check-ins with feedback providers can help evaluate how the changes in behavior are being received and ensure ongoing progress.  If people are moving forward together than progress is being created.

Brian McKeon
About the author

Brian McKeon is an executive coach that focuses on partnering with senior professionals to build a foundation for transformational change that is authentic, purposeful and honors a client’s unique talents. The partnership will develop critical self-management skills that will be the foundation of sustained performance over a career. Brian’s practice also incorporates mindfulness to broaden self-awareness and to open clients up to positive change.

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