Childhood Narratives

Transforming Leadership Through Childhood Narrative Reflection

Recognize The Childhood Narrative

As a leader, recognizing and evaluating the narratives formed in childhood is crucial for understanding their relevance and impact in adulthood. These narratives significantly influence our thoughts and behaviors, shaping how we interact with the world around us. The challenge lies in developing the knowledge and skills to master our childhood narratives, thereby enhancing our effectiveness as leaders. By shifting focus from external blame to internal understanding, leaders can better embody the necessary change. Self-reflection that connects past experiences to present circumstances can liberate us, enabling more effective leadership through the adoption of a new, empowering mindset.

Internal Operating System

Our internal operating system consists of paradigms that dictate how we navigate a complex and evolving world. These systems are designed to keep us safe, comfortable, and feeling a sense of belonging. They originate from our early environments, typically shaped by our families or caregivers. As we mature, we often unconsciously carry these operating systems into adulthood, even when they no longer serve us. To thrive in our current world, we must thoroughly understand and potentially upgrade these narratives.

Childhood Narrative Reconstruction

Through reflection and narrative reconstruction, individuals gain a deeper self-awareness, enhancing emotional intelligence, resilience, and adaptability. Once an outdated narrative is identified, a coach collaborates with the client to reconstruct it. This process involves challenging limiting beliefs, reframing negative stories, and envisioning different behaviors. The objective is to establish a more empowering narrative for the future, providing a renewed operating system from which to tackle future challenges.

Change The Childhood Narrative

Examining early childhood narratives enables clients to develop a new relationship with their past experiences, aligning them with their current values and purpose. A tarnished old internal narrative transforms into a new, beautifully shaped story reflecting true worth. This new story aligns more closely with the powerful adult self, leaving behind the insecure, vulnerable child. While it’s essential to change the narrative, it’s also important to acknowledge the child within, as it represents a vital part of ourselves. Connecting with this inner child is necessary to understand and reshape these narratives effectively.

Benefits Of Digging Deep in Childhood Narrative

Working on early childhood narratives is an intensive process that can initially be challenging for clients. However, an experienced coach provides a safe environment to explore these difficult narratives, offering empathy, insight, and constructive feedback. By delving deep into our stories and reshaping our self-perceptions, leaders can unlock powerful potential and present themselves more authentically.


In conclusion, by examining and reconstructing childhood narratives, leaders can achieve profound personal growth and increased effectiveness. This process not only enhances their leadership abilities but also aligns their actions with their true values and purpose, fostering a more authentic and empowered approach to leadership.


Brian McKeon
About the author

Brian McKeon is an executive coach that focuses on partnering with senior professionals to build a foundation for transformational change that is authentic, purposeful and honors a client’s unique talents. The partnership will develop critical self-management skills that will be the foundation of sustained performance over a career. Brian’s practice also incorporates mindfulness to broaden self-awareness and to open clients up to positive change.

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