
Brian McKeon
Introduction A crucial element often overlooked in leadership development is the importance of starting with a leadership mindset. Accordingly, many jump straight into acquiring leadership knowledge and skills without establishing the essential mindset foundation. A leadership mindset is the cornerstone for becoming an effective leader; it shapes how you approach human interactions through a leadership...
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Introduction Assessments are crucial in the coaching process as they provide a comprehensive understanding of an individual’s strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. By utilizing various assessment tools, coaches can gather valuable insights into their clients’ personalities, skills, and behaviors. However, assessments are only the first step in the process of critical feedback and leaders...
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Recognize The Childhood Narrative As a leader, recognizing and evaluating the narratives formed in childhood is crucial for understanding their relevance and impact in adulthood. These narratives significantly influence our thoughts and behaviors, shaping how we interact with the world around us. The challenge lies in developing the knowledge and skills to master our childhood...
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The Midlife Crisis Whenever the topic of midlife arises, it seems inevitably accompanied by the word “crisis.” It’s like they’re a package deal, inseparable as peanut butter and jelly. The notion of navigating midlife without some form of crisis seems almost unthinkable. This association has fostered such a negative perception of midlife that many of...
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Imposter Syndrome In the fast-paced realm of modern professional life, an invisible adversary lurks in the shadows of success: impostor syndrome. Loosely defined as doubting one’s abilities and feeling like a fraud despite evident achievements, this psychological phenomenon affects a staggering 82% of individuals at some point in their careers (Bravata, D. M., et al.,...
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What is Fearless Leadership? Fear is an omnipresent force in our lives, yet we often avoid discussing the topic of embracing and transcending fear. From childhood onward, we encounter fear at every turn, yet somehow we navigate through distress without fully acknowledging the process. Whether it’s the trepidation of stepping into the unknown or facing...
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What is Executive Coaching? Executive coaching is a professional development process that aims to enhance the performance, effectiveness, and leadership skills of executives and high-potential individuals within organizations. It typically involves a one-on-one relationship between a trained coach and the executive.  The relationship is focused on identifying and addressing specific goals and challenges. The outcome...
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