What great leaders minds are filled with

A Leadership Mindset


A crucial element often overlooked in leadership development is the importance of starting with a leadership mindset. Accordingly, many jump straight into acquiring leadership knowledge and skills without establishing the essential mindset foundation. A leadership mindset is the cornerstone for becoming an effective leader; it shapes how you approach human interactions through a leadership perspective and is vital in any situation. Developing the necessary knowledge and skills to become a truly impactful leader without this foundational mindset can be significantly more challenging.

Leadership Mindset

A leadership mindset is the root from which leadership grows and flourishes. It supports whatever you build on top of it and grounds people to think differently about human interaction. When we approach interactions through curiosity and empathy, we can discover who people are and appreciate differences. A strong foundation of trust is developed that provides psychological safety and motivates people to work towards a common goal. Moreover, this mindset encourages continuous learning and adaptability, essential traits in navigating the complexities of modern challenges. Leaders who cultivate this mindset inspire innovation and resilience, creating an environment where diverse ideas can thrive and collaboration becomes second nature. By embracing this approach, leaders not only enhance their effectiveness but also empower their teams to reach their full potential, driving both personal and collective growth.

How Do You Create A Leadership Mindset

A leadership mindset begins with approaching human interactions with curiosity and empathy. Therefore, leaders who embody these qualities actively listen, ask insightful questions, and aim to forge deeper connections. They possess a strong desire for knowledge and self-improvement and have a genuine interest in understanding those around them. By fostering more meaningful interactions, these leaders create environments where colleagues feel valued and supported, enhancing trust and rapport.

With this foundation of curiosity and empathy, leaders can embrace more of a coaching role, essential for inspiring those around them. Crucially, coaching empowers others to view themselves as capable and inventive in overcoming challenges. Effective leaders ignite curiosity in people which leads to deeper self-awareness and ultimately improvement. The coach encourages insightful moments where people realize they can produce meaningful change in themselves and potentially those around them.


The initial step toward becoming a successful leader is cultivating the right mindset. This mindset serves as the foundation for developing the core qualities of effective leadership. How we interact with others from the outset will shape our influence in guiding them later on. By approaching leadership with curiosity and empathy, we can help those around us grow into their best selves. True leadership lies in coaching and inspiring others to reach their highest potential.

Brian McKeon
About the author

Brian McKeon is an executive coach that focuses on partnering with senior professionals to build a foundation for transformational change that is authentic, purposeful and honors a client’s unique talents. The partnership will develop critical self-management skills that will be the foundation of sustained performance over a career. Brian’s practice also incorporates mindfulness to broaden self-awareness and to open clients up to positive change.